Tips And Tricks That You Need To Know About The IPhone

Almost everyone these days owns an iphone, but many do not know how to use it in the ways that they can. Don’t feel like you’re alone if you haven’t figured out how to master your iPhone yet. Read this article to find out more about new ways to use your iPhone.

If your iPhone has accidentally gotten wet, rice can be used to help it dry. Life happens and more than likely your phone will fall into some water at one point or another. After wiping down the phone, place it into a bag that has been rice filled. Let it dry overnight.

Get a protective screen. Those who do not use screen protectors run the risk of incurring scratches on the screen. Even the smallest piece of dirt on your finger can cause a scratch. Your Iphone deserves a protective screen to keep it looking new.

The iPhone allows you to grow the dictionary and shortcuts. The iPhone can detect what you are trying to say. You can also put in new shortcuts and phrases. You will receive notifications for autocorrections when typing phrases and words.

A terrific method of making the most of an iPhone is to use all of its media tools. Some of these include downloading television episodes or different comedy clips from websites.

Tag your email accounts to your iPhone for quick accessibility to all of your messages. This is crucial since you get instantly notified when you receive a message and you can view it right away. You can tag one account, or multiple accounts if you want.

When you’d like to write an email or type up a note, and aren’t interested in using the words your iPhone is suggesting, you don’t need to press X to get rid of the suggestion box. Simply tap anywhere to get rid of this box.

Iphones are pricey, but they are like a handheld computer. If you have one of these phones, you already know that it is fantastic. Since you’ve read this article, you should be able to use these tips on your phone to enjoy it more.

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