Living With Sleep Apnea After You Have Been Diagnosed

People who suffer from sleep apnea will always tell you what a relief it would be to get it under control. For sleep apnea to be treated, knowledge of the condition is necessary. If you want to learn more information on sleep apnea, then read the below article.

There are some bad habits that should be stopped because they make sleep apnea worse. In particular, alcohol and cigarettes are bad for you. Alcohol can put you into a very deep sleep and depress your respiration. Over time, your lungs will be damaged as the result of smoking. Your sleep apnea symptoms will improve if you give up both of these unhealthy habits completely.

Get through sleep apnea by consulting with your practitioner about getting a CPAP machine. The noise level of a CPAP machine and its overall size are both points to take into consideration. Some are as small as a loaf of bread and quiet as a whisper. Your doctor will likely have a preferred brand or type of CPAP to recommend to you.

Some people believe that you can strengthen you upper airway muscles by playing a musical instrument belonging to the woodwind family. A German study found that didgeridoo playing gives you better motor control over your airways. The muscles have a large impact on how well you breathe. This means that if you practice regularly, you will notice a reduction in sleep apnea symptoms and snoring.

It can be a very serious issue when you have sleep apnea. Be aware of the symptoms of sleep apnea and consult your doctor if you are concerned. If you are diagnosed with the condition, your doctor may send you to a sleep specialist, as well as recommend a sleep test to monitor your condition.

Sleep deprivation can disrupt your life and damage your health. Don’t wait to get treatment for your apnea and finally, get a good night’s rest. Life is hard enough, and you need all the sleep you can get.

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