Smart Tips About Jewelry That Really Pay Off

No matter who you are buying jewelry for or why you are buying it, you must know how to responsibly purchase, sell and adequately care for it. This article offers some basic guidelines for preserving the appearance and value of your jewelry.

Don’t clean your jewelry in harsh household chemicals like ammonia, bleach or turpentine. These chemicals can turn stones dull and even erode the enamel.

Be sure that you store all of your jewelry safely away from air and humidity. Keep them stored safely in a closed, dark area, like a jewelry box or drawstring bag. Humidity quickly tarnishes both precious and non-precious metal. It’s possible to restore precious metals through polishing, but lesser-quality metals may suffer permanent damage.

Before you make a final jewelry-buying decision, take a look at what’s new and trendy. The only thing that beats getting a new piece of jewelry is getting it for a discounted price!

When purchasing jewelry from a respected jeweler, inquire as to whether they offer an insurance policy. This is to avoid any future complications. If anything were to happen you have yourself covered and to avoid complications with that jeweler in the future, they can replace or fix it for you if you run into problems. You can even find insurance on jewelry pieces that were stolen or misplaced.

You need to pay attention to care and maintenance if you intend to build up a costume jewelry collection. Costume jewelry is pricey and can retain its value in many cases, but pieces that are damaged aren’t worth much and aren’t worth the time to restore. A piece that is in excellent condition will increase in value.

As you have read in this article, jewelry is ideal for a variety of occasions and styles. Well-chosen and well-maintained jewelry can be the key to making your appearance elegant, no-nonsense, or light-hearted. Every time you head out the door, take just a few minutes to put on the jewelry that will make you look your very best.

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